I AM the Transformer

If you come to me, I will help you FIND you!

Mr Victor Prince
Learn and Unlearn

I am wholly committed to transmitting the power of transformation to 1 million people on planet earth. Unfolding the power of the head, deepening the conviction of the heart, and enhancing the skills of the Hands.

I believe that every one is a god and I can prove it. The only challenge is that we feel too insignificant to express our godfullness. To become a god you must embrace the full potential of the power of the mind. This is why My job is to guide you embrace and deploy the limitless power within through the skill sets without.


Consultant /Friend

I solve both personal and business problems. From basic, complex and wicked lenses. My purpose is to help you navigate Change and Growth even in the face of uncertainty and chaos.

Venture Capitalist

In the era of enterprise, nothing ventured is nothing gained. I build wealth through multiple streams. As long as I understand the wheels that drive the enterprise, I invest in systems and structures.

Serial Entrepreneur

Business and Innovation lead at Emtech,    Founder Skillcomvalley, Co-Founder, Synergy Agroallied,  agroelearning.com, Co Partner, Brains and Skills, Fulcrum Konsults

Author /Speaker

Coming from the future with meanings and thoughts to submit at the twilight of Knowledge, I focus sharing these thoughts, ideas and concepts  to ignite transformation.

Teacher /Coach

I Teach and Coach from the infinite perspective. Therefore, I am at best a conveyor not the originator. To this effect, I elevate essence above forms, principles above formulas, love above practice.

Unlock Your Human Singularity:

Transcend Limits, Master Power, Influence, and Wealth. Join the elite 13-week HSP-Delux program and catapult yourself into the top 5% of global achievers. In just 13 weeks, you’ll harness cutting-edge insights from neuroscience, cognitive science, and universal mechanics to rewire your mind for unprecedented success. Step from ordinary to Extraordinary. This includes :

  1. 🧠 Disruptive Intelligence
  2. 🌐 Advanced Systems Thinking
  3. 🔮 6th & 7th Sense Development
  4. 💪 Power & Influence Mastery
  5. 💰 Wealth Acceleration


Cognitive Behavioural tools, models and maps for Growth and Performance

My Enterprise

Some of my ventures

The Ultimate purpose of knowledge is practice. These enterprises provides me the opportunity to express my thoughts, skills and competences as well as experiment ideas and Innovations.

From them I ern how to deploy and solve both personal and organizational problems. 


Victor Prince Dickson is a mentor, and Transformation Coach to me. Sentiments apart, the fact that i am his spouse makes the expectations higher. He has taught me a whole lot when it comes to family and business affairs. He is a man of integrity and stands for the truth., who don't even know how to colour issues. I am a blessed woman, wife and mother to have a wonderful man as VPD as a partner for life in all ramification.
Victor Dickson is someone I would like to describe as disruption specialist. He has an uncanny ability to use deep thinking and intense study to carve a path that is not readily apparent to the average person. He is a person in love with Nigeria and Africa, regularly advocating for the return and development of our native intelligence as a way of entering the world stage with something that is uniquely ours and places us at an advantage.
Victor Prince Dickson is one of the most intelligent persons I Know on earth presently. His thinking and imaginative capacity is sincerely out of this world without exaggerating. Creative and Innovative in many areas. He loves to break traditions and conventions. He is a leader of thought in the field of Organic Intelligence. He has influenced and impacted many lives in so many ways.