Transformation Tools/Maps

 Optimal Performance Tools, Business Frameworks, and Leadership Maps to help you simplify the journey of Transformation in Life and Business. 

For mastering Work and Life skills in 60 Seconds. Skills like Communication, Negotiation, Creative & Critical Thinking, etc. 

Organic solutions for modern problems


Demystify Chaos and Confusion

My Anti-VUCA Canvas: The Gift Wrap Model is an effort to codify the understanding of VUCA through collections of Skill Sets(s) that are peculiar to the VUCA frame and the realities of our modern world.

My strategic intent is to provide an opportunity to identify, frame, and establish perspectives,gain clarity and make actionable steps

Human-Capital-Engineering-Canvas by Victor prince Dickson.

Experience the Human Capital Revolution:

H-CEC propels talent to new heights, enriches skills, embraces diversity, and sparks unprecedented growth. It’s the game-changer for HR professionals, educators, talent developers, youth empowerment advocates, and visionary leaders.

This is systematic process, deeply examines critical elements of human relationships and productivity.

Transformation Quadrant

 TQ is a framework that takes into account the science of change and growth from a four-dimensional perspective of Awareness, Deformation, Reformation, and Transfiguration.

WHERE TO DEPLOY IT : In life and Work that requires intentional strategies on:

  • Identity/Purpose
  • Enterprise/Career
  • Relationships/Lifestyle
  • Creativity/Innovation
  • Marketing/Indoctrination
  • Nation building
  • Tribing/Strategic Positioning
  • Strategic Education

TFQ Knowledge Economy

The Future Quadrant for Knowledge Economy is a smart solution for the 4th Industrial Revolution. It helps you to track the evolution of Knowledge, Data, and Industrial  Disruption. The end result is to outperform and scale growth and sustainability.

WHERE TO DEPLOY IT : Anywhere requiring

  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Design Thinking
  • Business Intelligence
  • Marketing Intelligence
  • Data Analytics
  • Smart Education



ANTS by Victor Prince Dickson

Applied Networking & tactical Spectrum (ANTS)

DESCRIPTION: Inspired by nature’s number one systems guru- the Ant, this model highlights key components of creating and sustaining a system as well as provides practical strategies for maximizing each component for the desired result.

WHERE TO DEPLOY IT: ANTS is a model for high-end leaders, business executives, and entrepreneurs who seek to make the best of:

  • Systems Design
  • Systems Development and Management
  • System Disruption

TFQ Applied Leadership

DESCRIPTION: Dynamic and transformative leaders will always be in demand. Leadership is not only about manufacturing followers. To lead effectively, LEADERSHIP must be applied in context and vision for best results.

WHERE TO DEPLOY IT : Leaders at all levels need this tool to break down the Art and Science of Leadership to its smallest cell in order to break through:

  • Culture
  • History
  • Ideology
  • Communication Intelligence
  • Skilled Population Building
  • Future Design
Applied Leadership By Victor Prince Dickson
60 seconds for Mastering Decision Making By Victor prince Dickson


DESCRIPTION : Like SWOT, 60 SECONDS Thinking Application underlines the capacity to understand, Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Defined Threats. However, with 60-S, we added a couple of innovations, the Invisible Surface and a divided Threat: offensive and defensive.

WHERE TO DEPLOY IT : This tool employs simulation and applied imagination that will help facilitate: 

  • 3 – D Thinking
  • Decision Mastery
  • Design Thinking
  • Problem Solving


DESCRIPTION: The Church has every answer to all the global challenges. However, this cannot be deployed in the pulpit and along the pews alone. The Gospel has to be professionalized into sectorial Innovations, products, services and solutions.

WHERE TO DEPLOY IT : This tool’s primary intention is to accelerate responsibility and performance through Biblical principles and strategies and is designed to be deployed across:

  • Market place
  • Leadership
  • Media and Entertainment
  • Family
  • Governance
  • Religion
ACTs Ribbon by Victor Prince Dickson


DESCRIPTION: Adaptive Colour Thinking specifically focuses on team harvest. ACTs RIBBON provides key principles on how to aggregate the full potential of your team using the Collective Brain Code.

WHERE TO DEPLOY IT : This model is crucial for harnessing and leveraging the personality traits of your team members to simulate and design effective strategies and solutions for:

  • Business Environment
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Business Intelligence
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Product/Service Development and Innovation


DESCRIPTION: Your Mind is your power house. This is where you generate the inner drive to win battles and warfare whether at domestic or workplace levels. This Cheat Sheet has been designed to provoke you to the state of becoming aware of your immense power, which is within your rights to deploy for success.

 WHERE TO DEPLOY IT : In this season and going forward, your best leverage is the power from within which you need to generate power and deploy it effectively across:

  • Relationships
  • Lifestyle
  • Career or Business
  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership Intelligence

Other tools and Framework includes:

The SOVI Law of Transformation is designed to provide a compass for those who seek to approach the Leadership question from a structural and operational perspective while measuring value and impact. Its helps you measure abstract impact in real time.

This tool is designed for mapping vision, ideas, concepts and targets. It was inspired by nature’s number one passive hunter: the Spider. It provides clarity for effectively achieving multiple goals and targets concurrently.

The truth is that no one however savvy can survive and excel in a world driven by people, for people, and with people without the Skill Sets for Emotional Intelligence. Vemometer has been strategically designed to transit you from the realm of Emotional Intelligence to Emotional Competence.

Her hunger, made my work FUN!

Meeting and knowing Victor P. Dickson has catapulted and finetuned the understanding of my purpose. His seamless navigation of spirituality, emotional, intellectual, social, and financial intelligence in such a cubic manner is phenomenal.
His ability to decipher the situation and deploy appropriate tools to proffer solutions through a well-defined process has brought so much hope to me as well as tangible and result-oriented experiences.
His understanding of the principles of leadership, integrity, and creativity has distinguished him as one of the most brilliant minds of our time.
I would therefore recommend him for any legit and visionary persons or organizations in need of a trailblazer.

Grace Victor

MD Dawn Effect Nigeria